Sonic Xs () (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [0:00:08.26]
Run Information
Completion Date Dec. 19, 2022
State Published
Runner 'RockoSonicFan'
Internal Comments:
Comment State Information Checkpoint None

Sonic Xs is a really fantastic game that I remember playing when I was a child, as well as being a huge fan of the show Sonic X as well.
This is pretty much straightforward: Just reach the exit at the top of the level. I used a glitch where you can jump infinitely, it's really
useful for any place especially for speedrunning this game. Plus the blast from the robot really boosted me far enough to achieve
the fastest time. I hope you enjoy this run as much as I had enjoyed running it myself. Plus I did a run of its spinoff, "Shadow Xs" as well
which I also intend on submitting.

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Run Comments

Sonic Xs is a really fantastic game that I remember playing when I was a child, as well as being a huge fan of the show Sonic X as well.
This is pretty much straightforward: Just reach the exit at the top of the level. I used a glitch where you can jump infinitely, it's really
useful for any place especially for speedrunning this game. Plus the blast from the robot really boosted me far enough to achieve
the fastest time. I hope you enjoy this run as much as I had enjoyed running it myself. Plus I did a run of its spinoff, "Shadow Xs" as well
which I also intend on submitting.