Rabi-Ribi () (pc) [Low %] [Single Segment] [Casual] [Post Game] [2:45:46.11]
Run Information
Completion Date April 20, 2017
State Cancelled
Tag Post Game
Internal Comments:
Comment State Information Checkpoint None

If you are sensitive to flashing lights or have epilepsy or something like that, then you can’t watch this run. The game even warns about this when starting it up.

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Run Comments

I noticed that there was no 0% post game ending runs so I came up with my own. This was a pain in the ass to find out a route through some of the horrible areas.

I got killed 3 times to Ashuri, but I kept going since I got through the Volcanic Caverns quickly at 7:25. The Hall of Memory at 2:06:12 is a horrible hell hole during a 0% run.

So I farmed for money at 2:10:09. This was the only solution I could find since Miriam is horrible to fight without any buffs or consumables. Her mimic of the bunny amulet can infuriatingly stall the fight

During the final battle with Irisu, it's better to intentionally get damaged since Irisu is cursed for a majority of her health.