The Pagemaster () (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [0:35:17]
Run Information
Completion Date July 31, 2016
State Published
Runner Michael 'arglefumph' Gray
Internal Comments:
Comment State Information Checkpoint None

This is mainly the same as my previous run, except it's done as a single-segment ( I put more effort into predictive clicking, but sadly, it looks like that only saves frames, not seconds, because the game requires all screens to be fully loaded no matter how quickly you hit the triggers.

I discovered three new skips. At 30:00 and 33:30, I use the game's "warp back to the library" feature to skip two short scenes. At 35:10, I use the lightning bolt early, skipping the scene where the dragon threatens Richard.

My time estimate for this is 35:27.

Verification Thread
Run Comments

A video of this run with my commentary can be found on my YouTube channel:

My thanks to all the people who helped me improve this run. Special thanks to IsraeliRD for letting me do this game as a single segment, even though I have to switch CDs twice. Sorry my CD drive is so slow.

There are three main timesavers in this run.

1. In many places, you can interact with a screen for about a second before it loads. I do that whenever possible, but sadly, this trick only saves frames, not seconds.

2. You can instantly return to the library, by clicking on a character at the bottom of the screen. This lets you skip some long cutscenes. Some cutscenes can't be skipped, either because you get an item at the end of the cutscene, or because it would take too much time to backtrack to where you were when the cutscene started.

3. I use an unintended route. You're supposed to play Adventure, Horror and Fantasy, in that order. I do Fantasy first, for two reasons. One, that gets me to the randomized Mount Olympus puzzle as soon as possible. Two, it saves about thirty seconds to get a monster head in Fantasy, over getting a monster head in Adventure.

Overall, this is a simple game to speedrun. It's mostly just memorizing the route and clicking quickly.