Spore () (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [Easy] [0:52:50]
Run Information
Completion Date Sept. 28, 2015
State Published
Runner 'rowrow_'
Internal Comments:
Comment State Information Checkpoint None

Timer should start when File is created.
Timer should end either at the start of the final cutscene (entering the galactic core) OR at the end of the cutscene when you are given the Staff of Life and must press the continue button at the bottom of the screen. I timed it from file creation (00:00:24) to the start of the final cutscene (00:54:59.9)

Verification Thread
Run Comments

Cell should be one of three potential 2-eyed herbivore cells for 5
extra DNA, which in turn grants an early flagella purchase.

~~Carnivore Cell is the first path you take (eat meat).~~

Good meat RNG allows continuous fluid movement while feeding.
Spike, Cilia and Jet Stream are necessary parts, for without these
parts, there are less default parts provided at the start of the
Creature Stage. Cilia and Jet Stream provide Sprint + Jump in Creature Stage before
first mating, which allow faster traveling.
Switch Carnivore Mouth for Herbivore Mouth to allow gathering of
plants in Tribal Stage to make food collecting faster and easier.

~~Predator Creature is the second path you take (hunt creatures).~~

Socialize for the first 2 nests allow for faster evolution and
therefore an early mating for attaching better parts during the
pre-migrate segment at the start.
Less than optimal first nest placements, with adjacent nest and
2-deep nest, as opposed to 2 adjacent nests.
After mating, invest in hooved feet (or webbed if hooves not obtained
early), any mouth piece, and Strike-invested Hands or Weapons for
hunting the remainder of the stage.
Find good mouth piece (improved Bite) and necessary pieces (Hooved
Feet for Charge, Sprint and Speed) and improved Strike to use for
duration of first-second migration.
Attempt to improve to next stage of brain development (evolution)
before or shortly after every migration to optimize migration timing.
Ideal enemy nests are angry because they are worth slightly more DNA
points if same level (via health), and maintain high amount of DNA
points after leveling.
This run features a rare pack of level 2 enemies that give 35 DNA
points for 3 kills. (Note: Rogue Creatures provide 100 DNA points
for only 1 kill on a 250 Health creature, ideal encounter would be
during the later segments of this stage, allows for a small time gain,
is not featured in this run)

~~Social Tribe is the third path you take (socialize with tribes).~~

Tribal Stage requires all attention on farming to raise food count to
about 155 food (including all 6 babies [-60], three buildings
[-75], and 3 gifts [-30]) until all tribes spawn.
Attach Gathering 3 Hat and Social 3 Hat in costumes prior to farming.
After tribes spawn, start from one end of the map and move towards
the other in an attempt to socialize every tribe in one migration
while adding new instruments along the way.
Offer gifts to mad and angry tribes before socializing, choose which
tribe member delivers the gift depending on your multi-tasking.
You can perform early socializations without being present at the
party (useful for multi-tasking), which is performed in the first
socialization (farming + socializing by selecting entire tribe and
pressing 1 to queue the Wooden Horns request made at the socialization
party, then reselecting the farmer to redirect him as necessary)
I received a free pass (no new instruments gained) for one of the
early socializations, allowing me to simply migrate North and conduct
socialization immediately without waiting for a new instrument to
arrive on scene.
The last member of the Pink Tribe was fishing, so I was able to
socialize with him before he returned to his hut, also maintaining
a single directional migration.

~~Religious Civilization is the fourth path you take (convert cities).~~

Pre-made buildings and vehicles allow you to create the necessary
objects for fast and uninvested religious vehicles, followed by
switching to invested vehicles with no speed for converting cities.
After switching between pre-made fast vehicles and pre-made religious
vehicles to convert your continent, use pre-made airplanes for the
same tactic for the next 3 cities.
After 7 cities have been converted, you can sell all vehicles and
remaining buildings until you have 36,000 Sporebucks and purchase
Fanatical Uprising which auto-wins the Civilization Stage Religiously.

~~Space Stage~~

Use a pre-made spaceship and select the conversation options for
"I've flown before, I don't need instructions" to avoid 3-minute
tutorial (which is unskippable).
After leaving your solar system, travel between the mission-selected
system and your own system for farming the requirements for the
Frequent Flyer Badge until Level 3 (unlocks Interstellar Drive 3),
because there is infinite energy during this mission.
Complete missions given by home world in order until you choose your
Select the mission for terraforming and use the atmospheric generator
on the planet, then return home to receive a second atmospheric
generator to speed up the terraforming process.
After terraforming your planet, place 1 Factory and 4 Entertainment
Buildings to complete Colonist 1 and Missionista 1 badges to unlock
Small Energy Storage and Small Energy Packs.
Locate a T3 Planet of an alien Empire and use the social tool
"Fanatical Frenzy" to convert the planet into your own planet, and
sell all the buildings of 3-4 cities (1-1.5 million sporebucks).
Purchase Energy Packs and Ship Tools with your money (Interstellar
Drives, Small Energy Storage, Small Energy Packs; [optional
purchases] Colony Incredi-Pak, Small Health Storage) from your own
While traveling to the galactic core and making pit-stops, purchase
Energy Packs from alien empires (7-10 for safety measures).
When traveling through the grox empire, use pause to identify
potential dead-ends and to activate Energy Packs.