Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! (ntscj) (snes) [Any %] [Single Segment] [Children] [0:07:32]
Run Information
Completion Date Aug. 21, 2015
State Published
Runner 'Akiteru'
Internal Comments:
Comment State Information Checkpoint None

Run time from gaining character control to losing character control is 00:07:32.

Verification Thread
Run Comments

Most of the game is missing in this difficulty. Pretty lame, to be honest.

This is a pretty clean run with no major mistakes.

The only point about the run I'd like to make is that getting hit at the end of the football stage is intentional.
If I didn't get hit, then the game would count down over 100 bonus stars, wasting a ton of time.

I want to get a better Normal difficulty run to submit to SDA, but the run is very luck based and I got very good luck in my personal best time.