Mickey's Speedway USA (ntscus) (n64) [Any %] [Individual Level] [0:25:15.67]
Run Information
Completion Date Oct. 6, 2014
State Published
Runner 'PerfectTaste'
Segments 21
Internal Comments:
Comment State Information Checkpoint None

I've been speedrunning Mickey's Speedway USA for N64 since its release December 2000. Having recruited some fellow top DKR-players, the world records are very strong. During 2014 I made a successful effort to reclaim all the WR's of this game.

Verification Thread
Indianapolis [0:00:58.48]
San Francisco [0:01:37.23]
New Mexico [0:01:14.26]
Grand Canyon [0:01:51.75]
Los Angeles [0:00:46.88]
Alaska [0:00:48.35]
Las Vegas [0:01:26.55]
Philadelphia [0:01:25.90]
Dakota [0:00:37.21]
Seattle [0:01:02.83]
New York [0:00:51.16]
Chicago [0:01:25.06]
Yellowstone [0:00:43.88]
Washington D.C. [0:01:21.43]
Everglades [0:01:06.86]

Malibu [0:01:33.66]

Hawaii [0:01:30.43]
Oregon [0:01:14.61]
Texas [0:01:10.56]
Colorado [0:01:31.70]
New Orleans [0:00:56.88]