Jazzpunk (pc) (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [0:18:05]
Run Information
Completion Date Feb. 22, 2014
State Obsolete
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Timing from character control to start of credits is: 18.29

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This is one gem of a game and a pleasure to speed through, anytime.

Let's get into the game and i'll mention what I can for each level/mission.

1: Darlington Station.

This is rather simple, not exactly a mission, or even a level for that matter. But it places it in the chapter select so there's that. No real trick to this just jump out of the chair in the office as soon as possible and aim towards the seat in the directors office to take a quick seat.

2: Soviet Consulate.

First thing for this level is setting the clock inside to noon. This can present some trouble at times as it is very picky, but overall went well, is always something I look for in a good run, a good clock set.
Jumping over the barrier and pushing the button together to skip the short conversation with a detective to save time.

Once in through the window I head straight to the monitor/pc over to the right straight away and click as I turn so that I can head for the cereal right away.

Problems can occur with the whistle and the phone and the phone can hang in the air and not allow you to input the emergency number, however it went over smoothly.

Now for the escape, as I head towards the door, picking up the portrait as I go, It's a case of clicking alot as you reach the scanner. A tip here would be not to put away the portrait before the noise has been heard, else it will fail.

Simply down the hatch and onto the next.

3: Koi Pond.

Grab 4 pieces and off I go.

4: Ikayaki Valley.

Big skip here, Heading straight to the Golden Lucky squid at the very rear of the map. Upon entering is where I begin to click multiple times again, insuring I get a quick release of my shoes and jumping over the barrier to my right as well.

From there heading into the ladies restroom, I am able to grab the kidney early without having to collect the spiders, pour them on the man's face, grab the fish and watch the cutscene.

This skip saved me around 40 seconds compared to the intented route.

On the way back to the station, It is entirely luck based whether or not you have just a few detectives blocking your path, or many.

5: The Temple.

Straight away I am able to light the candle by hitting the actor from outside of the wall, Not really a time saver but it saves some extra button mashing when I reach the gong.

6: The Expedition.

Simple, go left :) ...And slightly down a little bit.

Actually the main issue with this part, is that it can cause crashes whilst loading the next level. To avoid this I simply press nothing until I see that it has infact loaded.

7: Kai Tak Resort.

Now that it has loaded and not crashed and ended the run (again) it's time to head straight for the hotel room. I skip going to the front desk here and straight for the elevator. By steeping inside of the elevator just enough to be able to select a floor, you can be pushed through the ceiling as you go up. And by clicking on floor 3 and then 4 the doors remain open and the elevator shoots up much faster.
All that combined makes for a much quicker travel time.
Now I need to get in and the reason why I had skipped the main reception area, is that the employees here all carry skeleton keys.
And luckily there is one right next to my room, saving more time.

Once inside I grab the case before picking up the phone, and then attempt to move as close to the bathroom before I am stopped.

After the nice coversation it's time to do my makeup, I get this done by aiming inbetween the two items and clicking several times and then space shortly after, allowing me to apply both parts almost at the same time.

Outside and heading to the bar jumping over the barrier and sliding through the door, I line up the next doorway and jump through so that oncew I've been turned around to face the other way for the short scene, I can walk backwards and leave it quicker.
Taking the drink, simply leave and pass out.

8:Night Resort.

Short stage here, jump from my chair and out the door. Heading around to the other side of the building and lining up with the barrier to jump over and get as close to the gap in the pool cover as I could.

Now I have my guitar and the pig mostly ends up right near the spit for a quick clean pig roasting.

9: The Wetworks.

This level can quickly turn you around and can lose or save you a decent amount of time.
Not much can be said other than follow the correct path, don't fall out of the streams.

10: Bachelor Pad.

Out of the elevator and into the pad.
Inside head over to the sofa/couch (which ever you prefer) and grab the remote. Spamming that around when you get to the tank and the director shows up for me.

Onto my least favourite part of the game. The game of sport.
First there is the mini golf, 3 hits is around the average as it can be quite picky sometimes with regards to going in the hole correctly.

At least there are only 3 holes to play, phew! Next is a quick ride down to the water course to play some gravy race 64.

Here I try to aim for sub 50 but around the 50-51 mark is also ok.

Next is the Virtual Boy tennis match, nice and simple, smack him with a chair. Done...
Onto the trophy collection, I missed a few of the spots here, this is fairly average for me as if I do not hit the button quick enough I will simply run over the trophy not picking it up at all.

Once his ego is filled and then swiftly popped. I back pedal over the text bridge as it is much faster than normal walking, and now I have been eaten.

11:Intestinal Credits.

Final stretch, head down the halls.
When I reach the small jungle section I head to the right, for me it seems to be the path of least resistence.

Lastly, when I reach the box. I am able to line my self up against the chair and whilst looking at a specific spot on the side of the box, I am able to grab the pills well in advance and thus ending the run much sooner.

The credits now roll, That is the end of the run, and the end of my ramblings. Thank you.